About Us
Children in foster care are our futures most vulnerable children and need someone to guide them into positive choices that will lead to a productive future. Older youth in foster care are likely to be placed in a group home setting, where they are less apt to form lasting relationships with compassionate, responsible adult figures who can stimulate their emotional and cognitive development.

Our Mission : Empower and engage foster care children through support, advocacy, programs and services for a brighter future.
If we encourage these foster care children to dream big, we must provide them direction and skills to help make those dreams become a reality. Working together as a community we can decrease Florida’s statistics on the children that will be emancipating from foster care, These children deserve the opportunity to thrive and become productive in their communities. The stigma that children in foster care are more likely than the general population to become homeless, incarcerated, unemployed, graduate from high school, become involved in human trafficking, and use of drugs has to stop.
It takes a village to help these youths and I look forward to working with my community and their involvement. These youths are already resilient all we need to do is work together to empower and engage them to be successful.
Our Mission
Empower and engage foster care children through support, advocacy, programs and services for a brighter future.
Our Vision
Educate and inspire foster care children so they realize their full potential and achieve their goals and opportunities.